Sunday, 27 February 2011

School holidays!

Here is a plan of what I did each day in the school holidays!

MONDAY: dog got a haircut+we went to Tesco+NewLook to get a baseball jacket! Which you can find on I also got a checked shirt and some cute pj's!:)
TUESDAY: went to the cinema+Chiquito's with the Maddens!x

WEDNESDAY: stayed home+chilled out!;)

THURSDAY: went Glossop to do some shopping with Nan+family. Got two new dresses and a Henley's jacket:) x

FRIDAY: stayed at home because dad got home from America!:)<3

SATURDAY: went to cinema to watch Gnomeo+Juliet...AWSOME! X

SUNDAY: church... Saw Camilla and gave her a hug!;)

And that was my school hols... 1 week is NOT enough! X


  1. Your amazing!! :D xx I promised you I'd comment and I did!! :D xx And isn't Knomeo and juliet amazing!! :D xx

  2. AW!;) Thankyou! And yes, you kept your promise<3
    Knome+Juliet ROCKS!!:P x

  3. GET WRITING AGAIN SAZ!!!!!!!!!! :D Lol!! :D Xx I'm missing you and I'm sure other people are too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Xx <3
